EPOC Roadside Assistance

2020 Roadside Assistance locations

Roadside Assistance and Consultation by the numbers

138%growth in consultation cases since 2019

46states with researchers in participation

17countries collaborating with EPOC

A Roadside Assistance Case can be submitted by email to epoc@iu.edu by anyone who is having difficulties transferring or receiving files from a collaborator at another site. The help request is then triaged within 24 hours. Cases can last hours or months, and can address issues as small as commenting on the settings of a router to as complex as debugging international data transfers that touch a dozen organizations. 

Each Case is unique and some of the issues found during an investigation may require more than simple engineering fixes. Training, capital expenditure, network architecture redesign, or policy changes may be required to achieve effective file transfers. If longer term or larger scope issues are identified, we work collaboratively to understand possible next steps. This may include EPOC-led Deep Dives, managed service offerings, or larger scale interactions with other organizations.

Learn more about the process